Wedding Live Stream

A wedding streamed around the world!

Nathanael & Fiona approached us to stream their wedding ceremony so all of their relatives scattered across the globe could witness their special day. We deployed discrete remote controlled cameras in the intimate setting along with our trusty Sony FX30’s covering a wide and operated shot from the balcony at the back. We also were able to mic up the Bride, Groom and Officiante as they wanted the best possible quality audio for the audience watching at home.

Another complication was the actual stream – we used a combination of 4G and wired internet to ensure the stream happened without a hitch!

Some Pics of our setup

We took over a balcony, and were out of sight of the ceremony. We just had a few discrete cameras around the room that were remote controlled to minimise the impact for those in the room.

Video Example

A few clips from the Livstream to give an idea of the whole stream.

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